Review Process
Building Strong Foundations has gone through a rigorous review process. Pastor Erik Schilperoort has reviewed the Christian Spirituality content and Shiree De Veth has reviewed the counselling model component.
This course has also been reviewed by a group of eight participants from various backgrounds including social work, counselling, and pastoral care. Reviews and testimonials from Erik, Shiree, and the participants are included below.
"It is my privilege to endorse the Building Strong Foundations course - which I was asked to review from Biblical and spirituality perspectives. The course invites the participants to deeply engage with core Christian principles such as identity, suffering, and the Christ-centred journey from brokenness to wholeness. The teaching content cleverly interweaves Narrative Therapy throughout. Most importantly, the course has a strong focus on praxis - where participants are given practical ways to apply truths to their lives.
The day-long retreats provide safe spaces for guided reflection via time to listen to and respond to God. I believe many people will be greatly helped through this course."
- Erik Schilperoort,
Church Care Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church
(Bachelor of Applied Theology, Diploma in Pastoral Leadership, Certificate in Clinical Pastoral Education - Level 1)
"What I appreciate about this study is that it introduces each topic in a myriad of ways, using short video clips, bible verses, personal testimony, group discussion and thought-provoking questions to help the participant to have fun engaging with the topic while being challenged around some of the harder issues we face as Christians. The course also includes time for deeper reflection and the opportunity to look deeper at participant's relationship with God, while also looking at how they feel and see themselves and how that fits with being a child of God.
Because of the type of questions Bronwyn has asked in the study participants are likely to find themselves not only engaging with the topic on an intellectual level but also on a very emotional and personal level. Bronwyn and her team have spent a lot of time and discussion working out how to make the group a space that is both safe and reflective for participants."
- Shiree De Veth
(BCouns, MNZCCA, Supervisor)
"Ko Matawhāura Te Maunga, Ko Rotoiti a kite a Ihenga te Moana, Ko Te Arawa te Waka, Ko Ngāti Pikiao te Iwi, Ko Ngāti Temateatutahi me Kawiti ōku Hapū, Ko Tapuaehararu te Marae, Ko Te Tikao Te Tangata, Ko Huia Haunui āhau.
Currently I live and work in the Tauranga area. A friend asked if I'd be interested in attending a pilot type Christian course Building Strong Foundations. I met with a facilitator who explained the course content and provided a brief overview of the purpose and content. After that meeting I agreed to participate as a test subject with others. The interview was friendly and professional.
I've found the course to have been inspiring and touching at the same time. By touching I mean as in a "touch of God" and I speak honestly; I believe nearly every session I experienced this, whether listening to and watching a video testimony or a praise and worship song. The content was put together really well and flowed into each other week by week. It flowed like a journey, it was simple and yet touched on deep and real issues such as mental health and depression. It also provided safe and balanced ways to heal from a spiritual, health and neuroscience way.
The Māori content Te Whare Tapa Whā was provided in a respectful and inclusive manner, but more importantly as a valid health component in healing. The overall content fused Biblical principles, psychosocial / modern psychology, neuroscience, and personal testimonies together very effectively. It is my belief that this course would benefit anyone suffering from mental health, trauma, and any conditions that humanity typically suffer in this world full of its pains and sufferings. Finally, most spiritual and health practitioners will also recognise many of this course's methodologies and within their own practices. Thank you to all the people involved in House On The Rock Counselling Ltd and blessings to you all. Ngā mihi, Huia.
- Huia
"One word that would sum up my course experience would be 'Resourced'.
The course content, and materials provided have encouraged me to go deeper in developing my relationship with God, whilst empowering me to make positive changes in the way that I think about and respond to people, situations, and myself."
- MC
"This course has been enjoyable, educational, and encouraging. It is sad for it to be coming to an end."
- DW
"Thanks for running this course, for being faithful to God's faithfulness. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that lives are going to be touched, transformed, and turned back towards life because you boldly said "yes I will" and stepped out.
Thank you for sharing your story 'restoration' walking with the Restorer."
- SH
"A very safe and well run course that combines personal well-being with scripture. This course is most suited to Christians who are keen to develop their spirituality alongside emotional growth."
- Anonymous
The Building Strong Foundations course offered a safe, non-judgemental space to explore and strengthen my faith through increased knowledge and understanding of myself and God. Thank you to the team for your professionalism, care, and dedication to helping people develop their faith."
- Chris
"I have found the course to be thought provoking, shining a light and strengthening areas in my life with insights that I wouldn't have otherwise had."
- Peter H
Have questions about the course and would like to chat to someone further? Please get in touch - either by phone or email, we'd love to help.
027 328 5213